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⚔ Heroes Premium ⚔ Full Translations! BEST RPG PLUGIN EVER

MC Plugins ⚔ Heroes Premium ⚔ Full Translations! BEST RPG PLUGIN EVER 1.10.2b

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Minecraft RPG Plugin


Class / Professions with Levels
Heroes Skills & Permission Skills
Skill Binding
Inventory Restrictions
Alternative Health/Damage System
Party EXP Sharing & Party Loot Rolling
Improved Skill Framework
Mana & Stamina System
Improved Help and Commands
Stat/Scoreboard System
Cool-down Action Bar
Toggleable Mob Health Bars
Attributes with GUI
Enhanced Targeting System
Vanilla Crafting Restrictions
Bonus EXP Permission Nodes
Improved Party System with Split EXP Gains
Skill Icons + Hot Bars when combined with Magic
Commands on Class Change
Abstracted Class Progression
Shielding Health System
SQL or YML Storage
PlaceholderAPI support
Language Support for Skills
Mythic Skills integration!


Premium Skill Packs
Blood and Fire
Runes and Rage
Songs and Serenity
Crafty and Buff
Arcane and Dreadful
Honor and Nature
Death and Divine
Stealth and Darts
Magic Skills (NOT 1.15+ COMPAT)

Heroes Skill Hotbars

Java 11 + VAULT + Spigot
Skill Depends > EffectLib
Recommended Perms > LuckPerms

Skills Pack for 1.11 | 1.10~

Planned Features

Proper Citizen Support
Heroes Attribute Custom Item Support
Scriptable Skills

API | Java Docs Here | Best with PaperSpigot | Default Configurations


The first Minecraft Role-playing plugin created for the multiplayer server Herocraft! Heroes is a dynamic, flexible and highly configurable class, skill and experience system. Heroes itself is the hub of your players RPG experience, boasting classes, multi-tiering, and advanced skills. Along with classes, Heroes offers your players a new style of PvP & PvE through our well-developed skill system and our weapon + armor restrictions. No longer will your mages have the ability to use diamond swords, your rogues will no longer sneak around in their heavy diamond tunics and most importantly, you can now hurl fireballs and stun your targets. The best part of this? It's your choice how your Heroes is set up, don't want a certain skill, that's fine, you can just remove the skill and be done with it!

What can I do with it?
With Heroes, you can do almost anything you'd want to do on an RPG server. The main feature is our customizable tiered class system, which offers as much to the server owner as possible when tied with our skills and permission skills. Your Heroes could be totally unique to your server, it could be the reason players play your server over other servers. The same can be said about our skill system, it's unique to any of the other RPG plugins out there. Other plugins dub "Skills" as methods which you level up, this isn't the case with Heroes. Skills are abilities you can perform which are unique to your class. Some of our favorite skills are Fireball, Jump and Port. These are what makes Heroes unique.


    • Translate the entire plugin and all messages via the translations.yml file!
  • Classes
    • Create your own unique classes or use the defaults!
    • Permission nodes to set what classes are obtainable for the default user
    • Custom class names
    • 'Parent | Child' optional relationship, (example HEALER -> CLERIC)
    • Configurable inventory restrictions
    • Dual-Classing! (either primary, secondary or both, multi-classing)
  • Attributes
    • Strength - increases damage with melee weapons, as well as damage with physical based abilities
    • Constitution - increases your maximum health pool, and also provides slight resistances to magic based damage
    • Endurance - increases your base stamina regeneration, and also increases your maximum equipment weight. A high equipment weight value will be required to wear several pieces of armor at once
    • Dexterity - increases damage with projectile based weaponry, as well as your base movement speed. The effectiveness of certain abilities may also be increased by this attribute
    • Intellect - increases your maximum mana pool, and also increases the damage dealt by magic based abilities
    • Wisdom - increases your base mana regeneration, and also increases the effectiveness of healing based abilities
    • Charisma - increases the potency of songs, and increases the duration and effectiveness of certain disabling abilities
  • Amazing Skills
    • Over 100+ base skills! Get more with the Premium packs!
    • Usable with /bind to your item or /skill
    • Pair with the Magic hotbar wand system or MacroMod client!
    • Works with Attributes, Mana, Health and other reagents!
  • Permitted Skills
    • Skills in the base platform of Heroes
    • All permitted skills start with /skill <skillname>
    • Allows for developers to add in their own code for new skills
    • Adjustable through skills.yml or overwritten in the class setup
  • Permission Skills
    • Based on the permission-node system, ability to set the level required to learn certain permission-nodes to have a highly configurable system.
    • Does not use the /skill prefix - Permission skills are not linked to any commands they simply give players permissions
  • Using Skills
    • Ability to '/bind <skillname>' to an item to right click and use that skill
    • Use '/bind' again to clear the bind and remove the right click ability
    • Currently only works for Permitted-Skills
    • Integration with Magic plugin via "/mskills"
    • /hero skill version <skill> (or /hero admin skill version <skill>)
  • Hot Bar Skill Use
    • Alternative to the bind system
    • Let players use a hot-bar configured with the Magic plugin
    • Add "skills_use_heroes: true" to your Magic config!
  • Inventory Restrictions
    • Armor & Weapon restrictions based on class
    • Configurable in the class files
  • Levels
    • /level - to show information about the level - comes with a nice interface to show you how much left to obtain the next level.
    • Set a mastery level - once achieved the user may switch to different classes and have their level/skills saved on the mastered class.
    • Configurable curves of exp to make lower levels easier and higher levels harder to get through
    • Optional Health gain per level
    • Configurable loss of exp (0.10 = 10% per death) by current level
  • Exp-Sources
    • SKILL - exp for using a skill
    • CRAFTING - exp for crafting an item
    • MINING - exp for mining blocks
    • KILLING - exp for slaying mobs
    • LOGGING - exp for jacking lumber
    • PVP - exp for PVP
    • QUESTING - used in API's for quest plugins
    • EXTERNAL - used in normal API's
  • Health/Damage
    • Set environmental damage
    • Set monster health/damage
    • Allow bed healing for players to regenerate health in bed!
    • Set player health (works with heart ratios)
    • Set across the broad item damage or override single classes in their class files!
  • Mana
    • /mana - shows the current amount of mana - caps at 100%.
    • Configurable mana regen rate per-class
    • time between regen is server-wide
  • Stamina
    • /stamina - alternative system to mana
    • regenerates faster than mana
    • can toggle the vanilla hunger system!
  • Shielding
    • /shields - alternative before-health system
    • regens slowly over time
    • similar to Diablo 2 style "magic shields"
  • Parties
    • Experience -Sharing - on/off
    • PVP - on/off
    • Bonus Exp per extra party member
    • Group-Skills
    • Volatile

Skill Showcase









Placeholders for PAPI
Papi Expansion Jar

Code (Text):

prefix = %heroes_PLACEHOLDERNAME%

Plugins that support Heroes

Heroes API

    We have finally updated our public repository for Heroes! This current version includes the latest API changes and is the same as the free version of Heroes available. You can setup a maven dependency as such.

    Click to expand...
FAQs / Untested / May have Issues

Does Heroes work with Citizens?
A: Sorta.- Citizens - (NPCs loaded as playerObjects cause some conflicts - contact Citizen for possible fixes) Full support would require a major rewrite of Heroes Framework on how we load/save classes. Avoid using Citizens named as players on your server.

Can I use /reload or reload plugins with Heroes Premium?
A: "/reload" will cause instability with the class manager. Do not use /reload. Spigot recommends not using it ever.

Q: What permission systems do you use or recommend?
A: We recommend using LuckPerms or zPerms. GM & PEX permission systems are untested/unsupported, YMMV.

Q: Can I use other RPG systems (like Mcmmo) with Heroes?
A: Most plugins will load and not cause errors, there may be some philosophical overlap due to both being "RPG" plugins.

Q: Does 1.7 and 1.8 versions work on Heroes Premium
A: 1.7 and 1.8 may have some issues. The more advanced skills may not function properly unless compiled against these versions. 1.8.8 is the only supported 1.8 build.

Q: Is Bukkit Supported?
A: Craftbukkit is NOT supported. You should use Spigot or PaperSpigot.

Q: Is there a language file with Heroes? Can you translate it
A: We DO have a full language file, these sections can be customized in (translations.yml)

Q: Can I localize the skill descriptions?
A: Yes. You can do this in skills.yml by editing the Description section.

Q: Can I turn off stamina and use the food system?
A: Yes. You can do this in config.yml by editing the appropriate section.

Have an Issue/Question?

  • PARSE your CONFIGS before posting ERRORS. - Online YML Parser.
  • Please include SERVER VERSION, HEROES VERSION and SKILL VERSION with a of any error on our Issue Tracker
  • Ask questions on Discord
  • By purchasing this resource you are gaining the right to use this plugin on a server you own, manage or work for for as long as you are in contact with the actual Minecraft aspect of the server and as long as the following conditions aren't violated.
  • By purchasing this resource, only you will have support access for the duration of the project.
  • You are not allowed to distribute this plugin in any form to anyone who has not obtained the right to use the plugin himself for example by purchasing it from this resource page.
  • You cannot refund your purchase after already acquiring the resource. It should work as described and if you have problems contact us and we will to do our best to resolve them! Opening a chargeback will have your access revoked immediately and permanently.
  • You are allowed to modify this plugin as long as you follow the previous terms.
  • All of the rights given to you can be revoked at any time by the author, especially in the case that the terms were violated.
  • By downloading you accept the previous terms and that this resource is distributed without any (not even implied) warranty or liability by the author.

requires Vault 1.6 or lower
Skills require 6.2 of EffectLib


Please your start-up log and any error that's relevant! Include server/heroes version.

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Still not convinced? >>> Check out the Legacy (free) version here!
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