MC Plugins ✨AquaCore✨ Disguise,DiscordSync,Essential Features,Punishments,Ranks,Permission 2023-09-03

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Aqua Core
- Created by FaceSlap_


Aqua Core is now available at resource page here.

Test this core on

  1. Mongo Database - plugin uses the mongo database to store all the info such as punishments, rank, etc.
  2. Redis Database - plugin uses the Redis database to sync and communicate between your bungee and proxies servers.
  3. Java 8
  4. 1.7 - 1.12 Spigot (other versions were not tested)
  • Punishments
    • Punishments include all types of punishments such as Bans, Mutes, Kicks, and others.
    • Commands
      • /blacklist <user> [reason]
      • /ban <user> [duration] [reason] [-s]
      • /mute <user> [duration] [reason] [-s]
      • /ipban <user> [duration] [reason] [-s]
      • /warn <user> [duration] [reason] [-s]
      • /unban <user> [reason] [-s]
      • /unmute <user> [reason] [-s]
      • /unblacklist <user> [reason]
      • /kick <user> [message]
      • /checkpunishments [name]
      • /punishinfo
    • About
      1. Bans
        You can ban players permanent or for an entered period of time. Players can be IP-banned or just banned. If a player is IP-banned no one from the banned IP can't join the server.
        • Spoiler: Check
      2. Mutes
        You can mute players permanent or for an entered period of time. If a player has active mute the player can't be muted until mute expire.
      3. Warns
        You can warn players as much as you want. You can warn them permanent or for an entered period of time.
        If a player reaches a configurable amount of the warns they will be banned for a configurable amount of time. Also, all warns can be set to inactive after they get banned.
      4. Blacklists
        Player and the IP of the player will be blacklisted and no one from the IP won't be able to join the server.
      5. Alts
        You can check all players potential alts and alts from the last IP of the user.
        - Potential alts are alts that are scanned on all IPs that user was joning from.
        - Regular alts are alts that are scanned on the last IP of the user.
        • Spoiler: Alts show
      6. History
        All punishments are saved in Mongo Data Base, it will save or active and in-active punishments which means that you can check them by doing /checkpunishments <user>.
        Also, things like IP, all IPs that user was joining from, first joined, last seen, UUID and such, can be viewed in history.
        • Spoiler: History/Check
      7. I also own Aqua Punishments as a seperate plugin, more images, and details can be found here.
  • Ranks - all ranks are synchronized and updated on every server.

  • Grans
    • All player ranks are handled by the grant system.
    • The player can have one or more grants, all permissions from the grants will be synchronized and the grant with the highest rank weight will be displayed and used as a player's main grant/rank.
    • Spoiler: Rank Grant Menu
    • Spoiler: Grants Menu
  • Reports and Requests
    • Reports and requests are synchronized between all servers.
    • Both reports and requests cooldowns are global to prevent feature abusing.
    • Reports are saved in the database and will be marked as "Unsolved" until a staff member decides to solve them. Also, all reports can be viewed in /reports <player>, you can choose which one to show, either solved or unsolved and solved ones.

  • Spoiler: Reports menu
  • Tags
    • Chat tags are tags that will be shown in the chat when the player is typing.
    • All tags are synchronized between all servers and can be created and imported from config by doing /tagsimports.
    • To give a tag you need to give the following permission to the player: aqua.tags.<tag_name>
    • Spoiler: Tags
    • To access tags main menu you can type /tags
  • Admin and Staff Chat
    • Staff chat can be toggled by doing /staffchat or used by doing /staffchat <message...>
    • Admin chat can be toggled by doing /adminchat or used by doing /adminchat <message...>
    • Staff chat and Admin chat have their quick access prefixes that can be put before your message to access to chats.
    • To access Staff chat you can type "!" before your message
    • To access Admin chat you can type "@" before your message
    • These prefixes are editable via configuration.

  • Staff connect messages
    • When a staff member joins, leave or switch server on your proxy all online staff will be alerted.
    • Spoiler: Messages
  • Private messages
    • A player can message other players using /message <player>, other players can reply using /reply <player>.
    • A player can ignore player to prevent private message receiving from that player.
    • The player can't send a message to the ignored player unless he/she decides to un-ignore the player.

  • Chat Management
    • Ability to mute, unmute and delay chat.
    • This is not synchronized on every server.
    • Commands
      • /chat mute - used to mute server chat
      • /chat unmute - used to unmute server chat
      • /chat slow <delay> - used to slow down server chat

  • Server Management
    • Commands
      • /servermanager - main command
      • /servermanager runcmd <server:all> <cmd> - used to run console command on a specific server or on all servers
      • /servermanager info <server> - used to get info of server
      • /servermanager listservers - used to get list of all connected servers.

  • Filter system
    • All IPs and links will be filtered through the filter system unless you decide to disable it or add allowed links.
    • All configurable toxic worlds will be able filtered
  • Freeze system
    • Staff can freeze and unfreeze players by type /freeze <player>
    • Frozen players won't be able to move around, break blocks, get damaged or execute commands. Executable commands can be configured in configuration files.

  • Panic system
    • Players can go in panic by doing /panic, it is usually used when a hacker attacks a player and they don't want to die.
    • When a player uses /panic, all staff on the network will be alerted and the player will be frozen. Unlike the freeze system, the paniced player will be able to run any command.
    • A staff member can use /unpanic <player>, to remove panic from the paniced player.
    • When a player uses /panic, the panic mode will be removed in a configurable amount of time (by default, in 10 minutes) and will receive command cooldown for a configurable amount (by default, for 15 minutes).

  • Permissions per player
    • This will not override a player's rank permissions, players will have ranks permissions + its own permissions if added.
    • Command
      • /setpermission <user> <permission> <true|false> - used to add or remove player's permission.

  • Settings / Options
    • These are settings that are synchronized between all servers
    • A player can toggle their own time, private messages, private messages sounds, and global chat through the GUI.
    • Spoiler: Settings Menu
  • Staff rollback
    • Ability to rollback all bans, mutes, blacklists or warns of the staff player who performed them.

Other features:
  • Gamemode Command - change your game to creative, survival or adventures. (/gma, gmc and /gms available as well), player argument available as well.
  • AddLore Command - used to add lore to item you're holding
  • RemoveLore Command - used to remove certain lore from item you're holding.
  • Rename Command - used to set display name to item you're holding.
  • More Command - used to get the max amount of item you're holding.
  • Alert Command - used to alert messages globally.
  • Broadcast Command - used to broadcast message on the server which you're on.
  • Clear Command - used to clear your inventory or inventory for others.
  • Feed Command - used to feed yourself or others.
  • Heal Command - used to heal yourself or others.
  • Invsee Command - used to see the inventory of the player, this also works with offline players, player needs to join the server at least once.
  • Skull Command - used to get head/skull of the player
  • Sudo Command - used to sudo other players to type in chat or perform certain commands.
  • Teleport Command - used to teleport yourself to a player.
  • Teleport Here Command - used to teleport player to yourself.
  • Teleport World Command - used to teleport yourself to a loaded world.
  • Teleport Position Command - used to teleport yourself to coordinates.
  • Fly Command - used to toggle your fly or the fly of others.
  • Give Command - used to give items.
  • Join Command - used to join a certain server followed by the argument.
  • Discord Command - used to get info about your discord server.
  • Teamspeak Command - used to get info about your Teamspeak server.
  • Twitter Command - used to get Twitter info about your server.
  • Store Command - used to get store info about your server.
  • God Command - used to enable god mode and become immortal.
  • List Command - used to get a list of online players, /list all to see global players.
    • Spoiler: List Command
  • Info Command - used to get info of a player such as address, last seen etc.
  • PunishInfo Command - used to get punish info of yourself, check mutes and warns.
  • AquaCore Command - used to get info about plugin, /aquacore debug, used to show punishments and other info, /aquacore reload, used to reload all configs file.

  • NameTags - get colored player's names and colored name on the tab. (can be toggled).
  • Tips - auto announcements for your server.
  • Chat format - format players' chat in the way you like it.

Placeholder API
Aqua Core supports placeholder API to get ranks name, color, etc.
Spoiler: Placeholders

Config files:
Spoiler: Punishments configuration

Spoiler: Other

Spoiler: Commands and Permissions

If you're a developer and you want to implement aqua core to your plugin, you can do it by using this simple API here:

Proof of ownership:

Spoiler: Proof of ownership
First release
Last update
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