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GENERIC SPIGOT (1.7.X with 1.8.X Protocol Hack)
Based of Paper 1.7, it's one of the best to hit the market, it's tailored towards users in need of having the best experience for their players, several knock back modifications in place in order to reach perfection, catering towards pvpers to satisfy their need. Built upon 1.7.10 with protocol hack in place allowing your 1.8 users to join.
* Effective for HCFactions, Practice and other PVP based gamemodes

Game Mechanic Changes - All of our performance changes allow us to reach more players than ever before. They're all configurable meaning that you can pick what you want on your server for the best performance on your server.

  • Performance Boost
    • Multi-Threading (Several processors for a specific instance instead of one)
      • Chunk loading (Faster chunk processes)
      • Lighting Updates (Performance & client-side FPS boost)
      • Player Rendering & Tracking
      • Plugins no longer restricted to single thread (Plugin performance boost)
      • ...and many more
    • Tick stack functionalities (Configure what you want to load)
      • Many in-game processes are used in the game that aren't used in most gamemodes which improves performance. (e.g. furnaces)
    • Player Maps (Toggle able usability) *Optional*
      • Maps load more chunks than it should, causing lag spikes on the scale of the map which is no longer occurring on this spigot.
      • Prevents players from spiking CPU or TPS with certain exploits in maps or general use cases.
    • Chunk Loading (Player/Server loading chunks)
      • Servers utilising a one map scale and doesn't utilise minecraft's sandbox environment get a huge performance boost with this as there is a reduce CPU load as there isn't a need to unload chunks already loaded.
      • How it works? Players or server can load chunks and doesn't unload it when a player leaves reducing the need for the server to unload which reduces CPU loads.
      • Fixes issues with players falling into the ground and other glitches coming to chunks.
      • Benefits servers such as Bunkers, Minigames, Bunkers, SkyWars, KitPvP & many more minigame or map restricted servers...
    • Fast Maths Library
      • Speeds up math oriented calculations (sin, cos, tans ect)
      • What we're using? Jafama (v2.3.1)
    • Mob Stacking (built-in)
      • Main process is from Mob Spawners
      • Reduces the amount of mobs spawning (less entities)
      • Mob drop multiplier from spawned mobs
    • Toggle-able Bukkit (built-in) Events
      • e.g. PlayerMoveEvent, PlayerInteractEvent (specific instances) & more.
      • Reduces server load significantly with not-optimised/useless plugin
    • Entities (Huge performance boost)
      • Most instance of entity rendering is multi-threaded for players meaning they'd load faster
      • Entity/Player Rendering (Multi-threaded) with fixes
        • Remember that glitch where people are invisible when they TP? It was a long standing issue on many spigots that has been resolved with faster loading for players/entities without impacting CPU load.
      • Pathway/AI configurability
      • Entity collisions (prime use-case is ender-butts on kohi)
      • Entity Activation (There range and such)
  • Knockback (Pick what you want)
    • Perfecting knockback as a server-owner is hard, not anymore. We've adapted knockbacks from many servers with their qualities impacting our knockback system.
    • Most spigots knockbacks aren't what you imagine, so we selectively picked traits from other servers.
    • All of our knockbacks are now adapted towards Fishing Rods
    • Loadouts (Not profiles, unique from other spigots)
      • Advanced (Custom)
        • Value: [Friction | Horizontal | Vertical | Vertical Limit | Extra Horizontal | Extra Vertical | W-Tap Multiplier]
      • Kohi - Public There were a lot of missing traits in Kohi in the public released one, resulting in an adapted version with fishing-rod kohi-like & more changes, yet still being kohi.
        • Value: [Friction | Horizontal | Vertical | Vertical Limit | Extra Horizontal | Extra Vertical]
      • - Private - I made this to be as simple as possible yet advanced, smoothness for the best pvp performance there is and a w-tap multiplier. Loved by many, decided to public with Generic.
        • Value: [Vertical | Horizontal | Vanilla Vertical [Emphasises directly towards w-tapping] | W-Tap]
        • Simple changes: [Horizontal | W-tap Multiplier]
      • Zonix - Private, intensive PotPvP oriented knockback that impacted the way you fight. Adapted for other gamemodes.
        • Value: [Horizontal | Vertical] (Multipliers)
      • Simple - Private, server-owners whom don't even know what the fuck all t these values are kept simple for those :D
        • Value: [Horizontal | Vertical]
      • True Vanilla - Public (obviously) Reminiscing on the classic knockback of minecraft used on single player and more.
        • Value: None [True Vanilla as it says]
      • ...many more (e.g. PvPLounge, MMC, VeltPvP, The Craft & more..)
      • We have a new knockback system coming that'll include profiling and loadouts with an intensive developer-api coming.
    • All of our knockbacks now support fishing rods.
    • Per player knockbacks (Its more of a ancient relic in the current legacy knockback which will be adapted better in our new knockback system) (player#setKnockbackType | Deprecated)
  • Potion Changes Asynced with configurability
    • All of the values for potions are changeable (mainly splashable)
    • Values [I, E, F]
    • You can do weird stuff such as:

    • Benefits of this is that you're able to make fast potions but smoother and more realistic with potions actually displaying
  • Extensive Libraries (Allows plugins to load faster as they no longer need to have specific libraries they require installed in their spigots as its loaded in the spigot.
    • e.g. Redis, MongoDB, JNA, Apacha Commons-pool, Fanciful, MySQL and many more to support plugins and developers.
  • Light-weight Anticheat - Utilised by developers to create anticheats
    • Packet Wrapper (Retrieve incoming packets with our spigot reading SimpleChannelInboundHandler API giving you easy support to listen in to incoming packets.)
    • Movement Handler (A good replacement from PlayerMoveEvent which triggers less and has more accuracy on movements with packet reading, useful for anticheat or advanced movement developers)
    • Simple Movement Handler (Good use case for people integrating with our system of events)
    • PlayerReachEvent (Calculations to figure out the distance between a player)
    • Kicking obvious exploits (e.g. NoSwing/Kill Aura) - Invalid Arm Animation (which most shitty clients use is a no-go on here)
  • Heavy Bukkit API changes
    • Player#getPing() - Gets a player's ping (instead of casting of CraftPlayer)
    • Player#getDisguisedName() - Disguises a player's name [API]
    • Player#setDisguisedName() - Set a disguises a player's name [API]
    • Player#getReachDistance() - Gets the reach distance of a player.
    • BeaconEffectEvent - Called when a beacon effect is being applied to a player.
    • PlayerAttackEvent - Called when a player attacks a player.
    • PotionEffectAddEvent - Called when a potion effect is removed from an entity
    • PotionEffectExpireEvent - Called when a potion effect runs out from an entity
    • PotionEffectRemoveEvent - Called when a potion effect is removed from an entity
  • Timings V2 (finally) - Check whats lagging your server in detail with our new timings update, as V1 was no longer supported and didn't work as intended.
  • Taliban Pearling
    • Toggle between the vanilla pearling method or our taliban system
      • Giving the user a choice.
    • Custom coded and not as glitchy compared to other spigots on the market.
  • ...a lot of changes are coming with our discord giving real-time github updates for clients whom purchased a product from me.
Upon purchasing, you'll get a private discord server which has real-time updates, support and more as I do listen to my buyers.

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