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MC Plugins Exclusive AdvancedKits

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  • Extensive Server Compatibility
    • Supports a wide range of server platforms
    • Compatible with Spigot & Paper v1.8.8+
    • Compatible with CraftBukkit v1.13.2+
    • Compatible with Folia v1.19.4+
    • Compatible with Java 8 and higher
  • Supports your favorite plugins
    • PlaceholderAPI (free) for placeholders and expansion
    • Vault (free) to buy or upgrade kits with your favorite economy provider plugin
    • ItemEdit (free) to save, and use display items with NBT support
    • HeadDatabase (paid) to use textured heads using head id's
    • ItemsAdder (paid) to use display items with textures
    • Oraxen (paid) to use display items with textures
    • PlayerPoints (free) to buy or upgrade kits with points
    • Jobs (free) to buy or upgrade kits with points
    • HeadDB (free) to use textured heads using head id's
    • CoinsEngine (free) to buy or upgrade kits with custom currencies
    • UltraEconomy (paid) to buy or upgrade kits with custom currencies
    • TokenManager (free) to buy or upgrade kits with tokens
    • Essentials (free) to buy or upgrade kits with money
    • CMI (paid) to buy or upgrade kits with money
    • Skulls (free) to use textured heads using head id's
  • Efficient Performance Features
    • Powered by a dedicated server scheduler
    • Multi-threading support for enhanced efficiency
    • Asynchronous tab completer optimized for Paper (v1.12+)
    • Asynchronous loading and saving of users for faster operation
    • Asynchronous animations for menu fillers, adding visual flair
    • Enjoy asynchronous live menus for responsive interactions
    • Dynamic animations for preview menu items, keeping things engaging
    • Asynchronous animations for player titles, ensuring smooth visuals
    • Built-in asynchronous update checker for staying current
    • And much more to streamline your server's experience
  • Comprehensive Translations
    • Fully translatable for global accessibility
    • Translate all in-game content into your preferred language
    • Seamlessly adapt the plugin to match your language of choice
    • Default availability in English for immediate use
  • Kit upgrades
    • Ability to create unlimited kit upgrades
    • Upgrades can be disabled by using one kit level
    • Each kit upgrade can have different items, claim/buy delay, currency (EXP or VAULT) and price, maximum usages, give items option, and for each status (available, unavailable, locked, overused, forced) redeem actions (titles, fireworks, sounds, particles, console commands, messages).
    • To upgrade a kit you must have the kit claim permission
    • Ability to purchase a kit by buying the first kit level
    • Ability to preview any kit level by using a kit preview command
    • Ability to preview previous or next kit level from a preview menu via buttons
    • Ability to reset kit cooldown or kit usages on upgrade
    • You can upgrade a kit from preview menu by using the upgrade button
    • Custom UpgradeKitEvent event to extend features on kit upgrades
  • Amazing colors anywhere
  • Flexible Player Commands
    • Configure player commands to your liking
    • Command to claim a kit (/<command> <kit>)
    • Command to preview a kit (/<command> <kit>)
    • Command to open the main kits menu (/<command>)
    • Customize command permissions to your requirements
    • Set up unlimited commands for each action
    • Utilize tab completer for smooth command input and sub-commands (<kit>)
    • All player commands are optional and can be enabled or disabled
  • Free addons
  • Economies
    • EXP - This uses player EXP points as economy
    • VAULT - This uses economy from Vault plugin (required an economy plugin)
    • PLAYERPOINTS - This uses points from PlayerPoints plugin
    • All economies are optional and you can use them to upgrade kits
  • Firework effects
    • Fireworks can be used when a player redeems a kit or a voucher
    • You can use unlimited fireworks
    • You can configure the firework type and colors
    • Support normal, RGB, and random RGB colors
    • These fireworks will not damage players or entities
  • PlaceholderAPI placeholders
    • Ability to use PAPI placeholders anywhere (e.g. %player_name%)
    • Expansion for custom placeholders (e.g. %advancedkits_total_kits%)
  • Powerful Developer API
  • Dynamic Menu Fillers
    • Customize menu backgrounds with menu fillers
    • Apply menu fillers to any type of menu
    • Use multiple menu fillers within a single menu
    • Fill any or all empty slots with fillers
    • Enjoy support for animated items with adjustable delay in ticks
    • Activate random mode when using two or more items
    • Utilize ranged slot support (e.g. [1-3] instead of [1, 2, 3])
    • Automatic synchronization of menu fillers when preview menu pages switch
    • Smart-async thread for each menu filler
    • Design menu fillers effortlessly with a dedicated menufillers.yml configuration file
    • Access more information about menu fillers in the wiki
  • In-game kit items editor
    • You can set kit items by using your inventory items
    • NBT support on kit items
    • Use ItemEdit to edit, customize, and manage items
  • Custom display items
    • Supports 20 options: material, name, lore, glow, amount, damage, custom-model-data, unbreakable, texture, owner, color, item-flags, patterns, trim-material, trim-pattern itemedit, headdatabase, itemsadder, oraxen, and headdb
    • NBT support on all items with ItemEdit server storage IDs
    • Ability to override options when using an item from a hook item plugin
    • Support for full PlaceholderAPI placeholders on name, lore, and owner
    • Ability to use custom texture heads
    • Ability to colorize firework stars, potions, leather armor, and tipped arrows
    • Adds item flags with auto-detection when they are not configured
    • Ability to use xMaterial materials
    • Find more information about custom display items in the plugin wiki
  • Enhanced Kit Preview Menus
    • Add kit items one-by-one to the preview menu
    • Configure start and repeat delays for kit items in ticks
    • Option to reset kit cooldown or kit usages after upgrading
    • Sort kit items by slot priority
    • Utilize ranged slot support (e.g. [1-3] instead of [1, 2, 3])
    • Enable or disable upgrade buttons as needed
    • Smart-async thread for responsive upgrade buttons
    • Create unlimited preview menus for versatile presentation
    • Configure kit upgrade buttons for each upgrade status
    • Customize switch page buttons to suit your needs
    • Adjust kit preview menu rows for optimal display
    • Set a personalized title for your kit preview menu
    • Utilize full PlaceholderAPI placeholders in menu titles
    • Conveniently configure kit preview menus with a dedicated previewmenus.yml file
  • Modern tab completer
    • Fills only available kits for the kit claim command
    • Fills all kits and levels for the kit preview command
    • Fills player names only when required
    • Fills all parameters for the main command (sub-commands, player names, kit names, voucher names, kit levels, amount)
  • Automatic Armor and Offhand Equip
    • Seamlessly equips items when armor/offhand slot is empty
    • Preserves equipped items by moving them to the player's inventory if the slots are occupied
    • Ensures items are dropped to the ground if the player's inventory is full
    • Enable this feature by assigning items to armor/offhand slots while editing kit items
  • Main kits menu
    • Ability to create up to 54 kit categories or kits in this menu
    • Ability to configure the menu title
    • Ability to configure the menu rows
    • Ability to configure a list of kits in this menu
    • Ability to add unlimited open menu sounds and particles
    • Ability to add unlimited close menu sounds and particles
  • Category kits menus
    • Ability to create up to 54 kit categories in the main kits menu
    • Ability to configure the category menu title
    • Ability to configure the category menu rows
    • Ability to configure the open menu button
    • Ability to configure the close menu button
    • Ability to configure a list of kits in categories
    • Ability to add unlimited open category sounds and particles
    • Ability to add unlimited close category sounds and particles
  • Kit vouchers
    • Ability to create unlimited kit vouchers
    • Ability to give multiple kits for each kit voucher
    • Ability to give a kit with a specified level
    • Multiple fireworks for each kit voucher
    • Asynchronous title animations for each kit voucher
    • Multiple customs sounds for each kit voucher
    • Multiple customs particles for each kit voucher
    • Multiple console commands for each kit voucher
    • You can claim kit vouchers by right-clicking the voucher item
    • Full offhand slot support to claim the kit voucher
  • Support YAML, SQLite (beta), & MySQL (beta) database types
    • Uses HikariCP with rich configuration on MySQL database
    • The player database will save kit claim/buy cooldown, kit level, kit current usages
    • YAML database for each kit
    • The kit database will save only the kit items
    • Auto remove the invalid kits from the player database
    • Asynchronous auto-save online player data with configurable delay (ticks)
    • Asynchronous load and unload the player data
  • Customizable permissions
    • You can change all permissions to your custom permissions
  • Customizable cooldown time unit
    • You can configure the remaining kit cooldown time format
  • Permission to redeem a kit
    • Players can redeem kits only if they have the required permission
    • Ability to configure each kit permission
  • Asynchronous title animations
    • Ability to configure the title and subtitle text
    • Ability to configure the fade-in time (ticks)
    • Ability to configure the stay time (ticks)
    • Ability to configure the fade-out time (ticks)
    • Ability to configure the delay (ticks)
    • These title animations are used when a user trying to redeem a kit
    • You can set different titles for each kit
    • You can use kit placeholders into title and subtitle
  • Custom sounds
    • Ability to configure the sound category
    • Ability to configure the sound pitch
    • Ability to configure the sound volume
    • Ability to send a mix of multiple sounds at once
    • Ability to create unlimited sounds or to disable them
    • Dedicated YAML file to configure the general sounds
  • Convenient Admin Commands
    • Grant kits to online players with specified kit levels
    • Provide kits to online players at their current kit levels
    • Bestow kit vouchers upon online players with ease
    • Reset kit cooldowns for online players swiftly
    • Open the main kits menu for online players or yourself
    • Reload files without needing to restart your server
    • Tab completer available for all admin sub-commands
  • Auto Configuration Updater
    • Automatically updates all configuration files
    • No manual adjustments needed for any file
    • Ensures settings are aligned with the latest enhancements
    • Merges old options with updated settings
    • Seamless server experience without interruptions
    • Saves time and effort
  • Frequent Plugin Updates
    • Regular updates to keep the plugin fresh and optimized
    • Stay up-to-date with the latest features and improvements
    • Receive new functionalities and fixes without delay
    • Experience the benefits of a consistently updated plugin
  • Swift Discord Support
    • Direct access to fast and responsive assistance
    • Instant solutions to your inquiries on Discord
    • Get help right when you need it, no delays

Video made by @extremall

Video made by @NikhilTarwariya (Hindi)

If you made a Youtube video for this plugin or if you want to make one, please message me on our Discord server and I will post here your video.

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