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MC Plugins EQuests 3.0

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Version 3.0 Info

The plugin was written from scratch to make it easier to use the API, create quests and introduce a lot of new mechanics. There are modules to support locations, bonuses (like Metin2), items, making custom effects and more!

Now also added inheritance, new types of quests and the ability to bind them even to blocks!

Plugin has built-in bonuses module for players, here is their list:


Help commands:

- Display base information.
/eq help - Display all commands sections and some information.
/eq create - Display all create commands and quest types.
/eq set - Display all setters commands.
/eq delete - Display all delete commands.
/eq player - Display all player data edit commands.

Create commands:

/eq create npc <npcName>
- Create new npc.
/eq create quest <npcName> <questType> <(pointToFinish)> <(requirementPermission)> - Create new quest for npc.

Set commands:
(More options you will find in manual file editing - read quest features)

/eq set reward <npcName> <questID> <rewardID>
- Set a reward for the quest.
/eq set target <npcName> <questID> <target> - Set target to: entity type, item, entity name or just ALL.
/eq set minLvl <npcName> <questID> <requirementLevel> - Set a requirement level to start quest.
/eq set title <npcName> <questID> <title> - Set title of quest which will be display after click npc when you have active this quest.
/eq set desc <npcName> <questID> <description> - Set description of quest which will be display after click npc when you have active this quest.
/eq set ctt <npcName> <questID> <customTargetText> - Displayed in the command /quest and at npc. You can use placeholders like <score>, <limit> and <npc>. If you don't set it it will be displayed default message of this quest type.
/eq set gdt <npcName> <questID> <goalDisplayText> - Displayed when you reach a point for quest.
/eq set type <npcName> <questID> <questType> - Change a quest type.
/eq set link <npcName> <questID> <npcName2> <questID2> <enabled: true/false> - Create a link between quests. For example you must finish or just enable quest with id 1 from npcName to start quest with id 4 from npcName2.
/eq set dg <npcName> <questID> <lineID> <text> - Edit quest dialogue at quest start.
/eq set cmd <npcName> <questID> <start/finish> <cmdID> <cmd> - Add commands which will be executed at start or end of quest.
/eq set bringTo <npcName> <questID> <toNpcName> - Change the target npc to which you need to bring items in GET_ITEMS.
/eq set backToNPC <npcName> <questID> <false/true> - After finish goal, player must back to npc to finish quest. (Normally it will end immediately)
/eq set fireworks <npcName> <questID> <false/true> - After finish quest, random fireworks will be fired from the player!

Delete commands:

/eq delete npc <npcName>
- Delete npc with all quests.
/eq delete quest <npcName> <questID> - Delete quest from npc (do it carefully!).

Player editor commands:

/eq player reset <player>
- Reset all quests data for player.
/eq player set <player> <npcName> <questID> <active> - Edit data about player quest.

Rest of commands:

/eq list
- Display all loaded quests and npc.
/eq reload - Reload all files and quests.

/quests - Command for players. Displays their quests status.
/eqm <player> <text> - Sending message to player from console (usefull if you want add some additional messages in some situations.



<npc> -
It displays the name of the npc that gave you the quests.
<player> - It displays your name. (logic :d)
<reqLevel> - Display requirement level to start quest (if you set this feature in quest of course).
<score> - Displays the points gained in the quest. (For example, 3 bandits killed)
<limit> - Display the limit which you must reach to finish quest.
<seconds> - Display all seconds for some situation.
<minutes> - Display minutes without seconds for some situation.
<restSeconds> - Display rest of seconds for some situation.

Config Features

Quests Features

Code (Text):
type: [type] You must set there quest type (look in documentation on spigot at plugin website or in commands - /eq create)
target: [Text] Set [name of target entity / region / item key / location / entity type] or something else.
limit: [Number] Limit of score to finish the quest.
minLvl: [Number] Requirement level to start quest.
description: [Text] Set description of the quest.
title: - [Text] Set title of the quest.
bringTo: [npc name] If you have quest type GET_ITEMS you can set where you must bring this items (to another npc)
permission: [true/false] You can set there permission to use this quest (eq.user.<npc_name> permission will be requirement)
backToNPC: [true/false] You can set here that after reaching the goal you have to return to npc.
fireworks: [true/false] You can set here that after finish quest from the player will be fired random fireworks. Cool!
link: Set another npc and quest finish or just enabled to start quest from your npc.
key: [npc_name] Npc name with _ as space.
id: [number] Npc quest id which will be linked.
enabled [true/false] Quest must be enabled.
rewards: [Items List] You should use there commands to do this, after quest finish player will be get some items as rewards (you can also use finishCommand features to add money or something else).
dialogue: [Texts List] You can set there dialogue at quest start. For example:
- 'Hello <player>!'
- 'You want to have some fun ?'
- 'Sooooo... kill some zombies for me! Good Luck!'
finishCommands: [Commands List] You can set there commands to do after quest finish (after rewards if you set them)
startCommands: [Commands List] You can set there commands to do at quest start (before dialogue will be added to you if you set them)
clickCommands: [Commands List] List of executed commands when npc is clicked by player with quest from him
customTargetText: [Text] You can set there text to display at /quest and after npc click. If you don't set this will be displayed default information with data and placeholders.
goalDisplayText: [Text] Text after get point for quest - For example kill zombie or bring items etc. If not set it will be doesn't displayed.
startNewQuest: [npc_name_id] Start quest when you finish this quest from selected npc_name_id (e.g. 'geralt_riv'). If want start next quest from actual npc just write empty string '' or '<npc>'.
displayDialoguePrefixNPC: [true/false] You can set there npc prefix display at dialogues automatically (if not set it will be readed from config).
counter: [Text] After quest finish counter will be created and added +1 point to them. This option is only for programmers.
displayDataAfterClick: [true/false] You can set display quest data after again click npc when quest is active (default = true).
point: [When getting point to quest (for example bring item)]
chance: [1-100 if false point will be not getted]
positiveMessage: [Text when chance return true]
negativeMessage: [Text when chance return false]
timeBetween: [In seconds between point can be get]
timeMessage: [Text placeholders: <npc>, <player>, <seconds> (all), <minutes> (all without seconds), <restSeconds> (rest seconds from minute)]
waitAlways: [true/false] - If point will be negative, player also need to wait the requirement time if is set. (default = false)
region: [Text - You can reach point only in this region.]
time: [Limit the quest to a time limit]
limit: [Number - In seconds for example 600 (10 minutes)]
endText: [Text - Text when time is up (quest will be disabled)]
endCommands: [Commands List - Execute commands if time is gone]
- 'warp spawn <player>'
- 'example2'
delay: [NUMBER] Seconds to wait after quest is successfully finished to start a new one from this npc (default = 0)
infinity: [true/false] You can do this quest any amount of times (default = false)
disableAtDeath: [true/false] Quest will be failed if player dies (default = false)
disableAtQuit: [true/false] Disable quest when player quits the server.
projectile: [true/false] For some events like DAMAGE or KILL SOMETHING only add score if player did damage using projectiles like ARROW or EGG or something else (default = false)
hits: [false/true] The reverse of projectile feature. Accept points only by dealing damage with sword, hand etc. (default = false)
finishSilent: [false/true] Remove message and title after quest is finished.
finishMessage: [Text] Send a message to player after quest is finished.
ride: [HORSE/PIG/MINECART/ALL etc.] Accept points only when player is riding something.

Quests Types

You can set for this [name of entity / entity type / all] to kill.

KILL_PLAYERS - Just kill players without setting target (but set amount of course).

GET_ITEMS - Bring items to npc (you can set another npc using bringTo: feature, btw you should use command to set the target property).

USE_COMMAND - Just use_command (You can set target as target: 'help' for example)

ENTRY_REGION - When player will entry in region quest will be finished (of course if backToNPC options is not set)

MINE - Of course you must there mine some blocks (you can set target as target: 'STONE')

CLICK_NPC - You must just click npc (or find him ?) to finish the quest (target: 'Old Wizard' for example - you don't must write colors).

FISHING - You must catch from water by fishing rod some items.

CLICK_BLOCK - To finish quest you must click block at coordinates (e.g. target: 'x:100 y:60 z:100 w:nether_world')

SHEAR - You can set for this [name of entity / entity type (SHEEP, MUSHROOM_COW) / all] to shear.

DAMAGE_MOBS - You can set for this [name of entity / entity type / all] to deal amount of damage.

DAMAGE_PLAYERS - Deal damage to players.





If you starting I suggest use commands to makes quests, when you
will understand the basics, I recommend editing directly in the files. It's very simple and I do it myself! (Of course, in the case of items, I recommend commands)


eq.admin -
Allow you tu use /eq
eq.user.<npc_name> - Allow you to use quest from this npc (if options is set as permission: true)




From version 1.13 to 1.16 event ENTRY_REGION and feature 'region' are disabled (In free time I will try to fix this)



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